Episode 15: Teenage Takeover with Sam Levin

Today Sam Levin is the 29-year-old Oxford PhD CEO of a biotech company. Thirteen years ago he was a high school junior exasperated at his friends’ disengagement and unhappiness at school. So he did something about it! Now students, teachers, and parents are taking note of his bold vision. 


We cover a lot of territory including: 

3:11 The seeds of Sam’s discontent with school 

4:28 Sam’s mom puts forth a challenge 

5:11 A community garden reveals that teens can love learning and hard work 

6:34 How teachers unfairly label students 

8:46 Sam’s vision for a student-run school meets resistance 

10:37 The teacher that shattered Sam’s illusions 

12:04 The remarkable vision of the Independent Project 

13:39 Parents’ fears about the Independent Project 

14:15 The relationship between pedagogy and tracking/ability grouping 

15:40 The foundational reasons we should stop tracking kids 

16:58 The remarkable design of the Independent Project 

19:07 Every student creates an “individual endeavor” around a passion 

19:39 Getting into college 

20:29 A “collective endeavor” to promote powerful collaboration 

21:32 Practicing 21st century skills 

22:50 The life-changing impact of the Independent Project 

25:17 De-orientation to break bad school habits 

26:30 Sam’s PhD. and the creation of Melonfrost 

28:04 How the Independent Project planted the seeds for Sam’s CEO success 

30:02 Sam’s advice to educators 

31:30 Steve poses a thought experiment 


Independent Project documentary (14 minutes): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RElUmGI5gLc 

Sam and his mom’s book about the Independent Project: https://thenewpress.com/books/school-of-our-own 

Sam’s biotech company- Melonfrost: https://www.melonfrost.com  


If you liked this podcast, here are some other episodes you can check out:  

A portrait of an exhausted, dispirited high school student: https://www.steventshapiro.com/experiencematters/a-letter-to-my-younger-self-with-emmy-huefner 

A mini version of the Independent Project for middle school students: https://www.steventshapiro.com/experiencematters/suzannegoldsmithhirsch 

Harvard thought-leader on 21st century learning Tony Wagner on why our kids need schools like the independent project: https://www.steventshapiro.com/experiencematters/tuned-in-to-the-future-with-tony-wagner 

NYTimes bestselling author Daniel Pink on how autonomous learning transformed his brain: https://www.steventshapiro.com/experiencematters/the-epiphany-with-daniel-pink 

About Experience Matters

Experience Matters with Steve Shapiro invites guests to reflect on the most profound learning experiences of their youth and to consider how we can reform American schools. Each episode provides clues about how parents and educators alike can engage young people in powerful, sometimes transformational experiential learning. Education can take many forms, but whatever form it takes- experience matters. 


Episode 16: 22 Voices from TeachBetter22


Episode 14: “Tuned In” to the Future with Tony Wagner